lördag 8 augusti 2009

In da park

What have Malla been up to today? Started the day with some shopping, think I spent almost two hours at Marshalls. Tried on like 18 different things. As I said before; came home with a bikini and a long shirt for the fall :) After that I took a walk down to the reservoir, bought an ice cream, iced tea and a magazine and then I sat down in the park, in the shadow under a tree (Ja på riktigt, lutad mot ett träd och såg på baseball o läste - jag älskar USA!) reading my magazine and watching people play baseball and football. Took my little walk back home after a while. I just finished watching Good luck Chuck and now it's time for Slumdog millionaire.Black raspberry icecream is the best ever!

1 kommentar:

  1. Oooh vilken söt liten brun,fin och manikyrad hand! Jag vill komma å känna på den!
    ;) mammmuth
