What have Malla been up to today? Started the day with some shopping, think I spent almost two hours at Marshalls. Tried on like 18 different things. As I said before; came home with a bikini and a long shirt for the fall :) After that I took a walk down to the reservoir, bought an ice cream, iced tea and a magazine and then I sat down in the park, in the shadow under a tree (Ja på riktigt, lutad mot ett träd och såg på baseball o läste - jag älskar USA!) reading my magazine and watching people play baseball and football. Took my little walk back home after a while. I just finished watching Good luck Chuck and now it's time for Slumdog millionaire.
Black raspberry icecream is the best ever!
Oooh vilken söt liten brun,fin och manikyrad hand! Jag vill komma å känna på den!
SvaraRadera;) mammmuth